Nick Roshdieh on Traveling to Capture the Northern Lights | Laguna Beach, CA

Nick Roshdieh
3 min readJan 19, 2024


The enchanting ballet of the Northern Lights, also known as the Aurora Borealis, is truly captivating. To witness and capture this natural wonder, planning a journey to the aurora-filled regions is an adventure like no other. Here’s a guide to traveling to capture the Northern Lights, ensuring an unforgettable experience under the Arctic or Antarctic skies.

Choose the Right Location

Selecting the right location is important for a successful Northern Lights photography expedition. Popular destinations include Lapland in Finland, Tromsø in Norway, Fairbanks in Alaska, and the Yukon in Canada. These regions offer optimal conditions, including minimal light pollution and a high probability of aurora activity.

Timing is Everything

The Northern Lights are most active during the winter months when the nights are longest. Plan your trip between late September and early April, with peak activity often occurring during the equinoxes in March and September. Be mindful of the specific months with extended darkness, as this increases your chances of witnessing vibrant auroras.

Monitor Solar Activity

The intensity of the Northern Lights correlates with solar activity. Keep an eye on space weather forecasts and the aurora forecast to gauge the likelihood of a dazzling display. Websites and apps dedicated to Aurora predictions provide real-time data, helping you plan your photography sessions precisely.

Pack the Right Gear

Capturing the Northern Lights requires specialized photography equipment. Bring a sturdy tripod to stabilize your camera during long exposures, and invest in a wide-angle lens with a low aperture for optimal light capture. A DSLR or mirrorless camera with manual settings allows you to customize exposure and focus settings for the best results.

Dress for Arctic Conditions

Arctic and subarctic regions can be icy, even during the aurora season. Dress in layers to stay warm, including thermal clothing, insulated outer layers, and waterproof gear. Remember to pack cold-resistant gloves and headgear to protect yourself from the frigid temperatures as you wait for the auroras to unfold.

Be Patient and Flexible

Capturing the Northern Lights is a waiting game, and patience is critical. Be prepared to spend long hours outdoors, as auroras can appear anytime at night. Also, choose a location with various compositions, allowing you to adapt to changing aurora shapes and intensities.

Consider Guided Tours

For those new to Northern Lights photography or seeking expert guidance, consider joining a guided tour. Knowledgeable guides are familiar with the best locations and can provide valuable insights into capturing the perfect shot. Some tours offer additional activities, such as dog sledding or ice fishing, enhancing your overall Arctic experience.

Respect the Environment

While chasing the Northern Lights, respecting the natural environment is crucial. Follow Leave No Trace principles, stay on designated paths, and minimize light pollution to preserve the pristine landscapes and ensure that future generations can also marvel at the beauty of the auroras.

Originally published at on January 10, 2024.



Nick Roshdieh

Nick Roshdieh sells high-end, luxury real estate. Nick helps buyers and sellers in Orange County, CA in his roll with Pacific Sotheby’s International Realty.